Web Documents

This appendix provides the original text of foreign-language sources quoted in English translation in Mozart’s Music of Friends. To provide adequate context for the quoted excerpts, I have in many cases provided more extended passages here. For readers who wish to peruse the original texts in more detail, links are provided to historical editions (first editions, where available) on databases such as Google Books.

Documents are numbered alphabetically by the author’s surname or by title for anonymous items. Articles from the Allgemeine Theorie der schönen Künste believed to be by J. P. Kirnberger or J. A. P. Schulz are listed under Sulzer’s name, with the probable author’s name in brackets after the title of the article.

All footnotes are from the original sources. Ellipses are given without brackets if they appear in the original but with brackets when they indicate my editorial omissions. Excerpts from historical documents preserve archaic spellings as given in the original sources; the notation “sic” is reserved for misspellings and other obvious errors. Bracketed references to example and figure numbers refer to these items as they are designated in Mozart’s Music of Friends. In German texts originally printed in Fraktur script, Sperrdruck or boldface in the original source is rendered here as italic type, and roman font in the original is indicated with underlined text. Numbers within braces (e.g., {1}) indicate page or column breaks in the original source.